Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Dictionary Joins the List of Banned Books.

In the immortal words of Eminem,

"My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips,
and that's the message we deliver to little kids,
and expect them not to know what a women's clitoris is,
of course they're gonna know what intercourse is
by the time they hit fourth grade
they got the Discovery Channel, don't they?"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Books I Will Someday Force My Children to Love

No, not really.

I'm going to kick start this blog by listing some of my favorite children's picture books.

Most of them I love because I read them as a child, and I feel all gooey and nostalgic when I see them now.

5 O'Clock Charlie by
Marguerite Henry

The Big Orange Splot by Danial Pinkwater

The Wild Washerwomen by John Yeoman

Neighbors by M.B. Goffstein

Morris's Disappearing Bag by Rosemary Wells

Oh, Lewis! by Eve Rice

Little Lamb Bakes a Cake by Michaela Muntean

Tilly's house by Faith Jaques

Silly Tilly's Thanksgiving Dinner by Lillian Hoban

Stories From Our House by Richard Tulloch

The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats